Cayman Craft Market
Business Name: Cayman Craft Market
Category: Attractions, Souvenirs Shops Directory
Jewelry, food items and other delights reflecting traditional Caymanian crafting skills. Leather, thatch, shell and wood products. Pick up a unique piece of Caymanite, or admire the handiwork in the plaited straw hats and tote bags. Get your hair braided while sipping on fresh-from-the-nut coconut water. Open Monday to Friday, 8:30am until the last cruise ship boarding. Just steps away from the south terminal of the cruise ship landing in George Town on the corner of Boilers Road and South Church Street.
Cayman Craft Market
P.O. Box 305, Savannah, Grand Cayman KY1-1501, Cayman Islands
(345) 949-0049